Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cape Town tour

Went on a tour of downtown and visited some historical sites. Cape Town was first established as a resting place for the ships belonging to the Dutch East India Company in 1652.

Cape Town City Hall with Lion's Head mountain in the background.

This is where Nelson Mandela made his first speech on Feb. 11, 1990 after being released from the prison located on Robber Island just off the coast of Cape Town.

Castle of Good Hope - the first structure built and served as the fort.

St. George's Cathedral - this is where Archbishop Desmond Tutu led a mass of 30,000 in an 
anti-apartheid demonstration and coined the phrase "The Rainbow People".

Cape Town serves as the seat of the NationL Parliament and houses the legislative bodies.

The South African "White House" where the president resides while here.

Table Mountain in the background

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