Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Angkor Thom

Angkor Thom was the capital city of the Khmer rulers beginning in the 12th century. The last known temple to be constructed was in 1295. It was the Siamese kingdom based in what is now Thailand, that sacked Angkor in 1431 and ended the kingdom’s regional power.

The temples were built in the Bayon style with a multitude of serene and massive stone faces on the many towers which jut out from the upper terrace and cluster around its central peak. The temple also has impressive bas-reliefs (shallow cut reliefs that are distinctive only from the front) that have an unusual combination of mythological, historical, and daily living scenes. There are 54 towers with the four faces. The faces on the towers are believed to represent the four virtues of Buddhism: compassion, sympathy, equanimity, and kindness (not totally sure I have these correct). 

Got a chance to stand nose-to-nose with one of the faces.

Elephant stand

Next stop is Ta Prohm!

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