Monday, November 4, 2019

Dubrovnik Old Town

Friday - November 1, 2019

Today we went to Dubrovnik Old Town. The town was first established in the late 1200’s and is surrounded by a fortification wall that is 6,400 feet in length  and 82 feet tall in places.

The stone curtain surrounding the old city includes watch towers, bastions, castles, and fortresses. The entry gates have small moats with draw bridges.

Fort Bokar on the corner of the city wall.

Fort Lovrijenac sits just across the bay from the Northwest gate.

Fort Minceta on the Northern corner of the wall.

The Main Street is called Stradun. It originally was a canal much like those in Venice but was filled in after the great earthquake in 1667. The buildings were rebuilt after the earthquake to a uniform height with nearly identical facades and similar layouts.

St. Saviour Church just inside the Northwest entry gate.

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