Thursday, September 10, 2015

Outback Barbecue

Went to an Outback style barbecue tonight. It was FANTASTIC!!!! We had a demonstration on the different types of boomerangs and how they worked, a talk on cattle ranching in the vast central area of Australia, a campfire bread making demonstration, a sing along session, and a great steak dinner. They finished the night by turning out the lights and telling about the stars. It reminded me of when as a kid looking up at the night sky and being awe struck with the number of stars in the sky. It was truly awesome to be able to see that many stars again and of course to see the Southern Cross constellation.

I don't know when the last time was that I have had so much pure fun and enjoyment.

Boomerang demonstration 

Bar is open

Making salt water bread 

Scenery around the area as the sun was going down.

Dinner time

Sing along

Session of Bush Arobics

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