Sunday, September 20, 2015

Queenstown - New Zealand Arrival

Kia Ora (hello) from Aotearoa (The Long White Cloud - New Zealand)! That is Maori language which is the language of the native Polynesian people that settled here. Queenstown is located on Lake Wakatipu set in the alpine style mountains of South New Zealand. This is a small resort town where thousands of people come to have fun in and around the lake and mountains. It is a very picturesque setting.

Flying in this afternoon you could see what a vast difference there is between the outback desert region of Australia and the majestic mountain ranges of New Zealand. The weather is cool and crisp with temperatures ranging between 30's at night and 50's in the afternoon. Spring is just beginning and is evident in the newly leafing and blooming of the trees.

I will let the pictures speak for themselves as to the beauty of this area.

Photos from the plane as we flew in from Sydney.

The view from my room balcony.

Took a little walkabout town before dinner.

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