Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ecuador - Quito Exploration

Today we spent time exploring the city of Quito, Ecuador. Our first stop was at the Sinamune School of Music for the Disabled. This is one of the projects that is supported by the travel company I use - Grand Circle Foundation. The students all have some type of special needs (Down's syndrome, blind, brain injury, etc.). They were magnificent! It brought tears to many eyes just seeing how dedicated they were to their performance and how much they seemed to enjoy it. It really touched my heart.

They even got some of us to participate.

The bull fight dance.

It was a fantastic experience.

Next we went to the old colonial part of town where the Spainards first built. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage list. You could see the Spanish colonial influence in the architecture.

They were having a festival in the town square. I mean how lucky can one be to experience all these festivities? The square was packed with people dancing and parading with lively music.

Next we visited a booth in one of the old colonial buildings where they were selling homemade candies based on original Inka recipes. They were delicious.

Sampling some of the candies.

In the town square was the Ecuador Independence statue. 

We then visited the presidential palace built in the late 1500's. Live guards dressed in the traditional outfits were stationed at the door.

The Ecuador symbol that is on their flag.

The old churches and buildings were beautiful.

As we walked through the town we could see people celebrating among the old buildings. Bands were playing in the streets.

The church at San Francisco square.

People were enjoying the weather in the square.

After lunch we had a visit to the Society of Jesus Church. 

Pictures weren't allowed but I did sneak a couple to show all the gold leaf plating.

The angle statue overlooking the city.

Well, I am heading to the Galápagos Islands tomorrow. We will be on a boat for 3 nights so I will not have any access to Internet to do any posts. Will resume probably on Thursday night.

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