Thursday, June 23, 2016

Inti Raymi - Festival of the Sun

Inti Raymi is a 9 day religious festival for the Inca Empire in honor of the god Inti (sun). It is held each year culminating on June 24. We are so fortunate to be here during the celebration. The city of Cusco is packed with thousands of people from the surrounding region. There are continuous processions of colorful dances and music. The first one was documented in 1412. The Spanish banned it in 1535 but it was reinstated in 1944 and has been held annually ever since.

We went to the town square today and watched some of the procession. The native costumes and dances were beautiful. The square was packed with people.

Here are some of the different groups as they paraded by.

I went back downtown tonight and it was still packed with people having a good time and celebrating.

Tomorrow morning I am getting up at 6 so I can get a spot along the parade route to watch
the big procession of the last day. What fun!!!

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