Thursday, October 2, 2014

Featherbed Nature Reserve

Thursday - Knysna (neese-na) is located on a lagoon off the Indian Ocean. Today we took a ferry across the lagoon to visit the Featherbed Nature Reserve. The reserve is located on one of the giant sandstone cliffs that form the gateway into the lagoon.

We were transported to the top of the cliff on trailers being pulled by 4X4 trucks. The ride up offered some spectacular views of the lagoon and the ocean. Once on top we disembarked and walked down a nature path to reach the ocean shore. The views were fantastic. It was a perfect weather day and the walk was so peaceful and relaxing. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

Side note: I tried another local delicacy for dinner - Zebra. It was very tender and delicious. (Sorry animal activist)

The Twin Heads of the lagoon gateway. We went to the top of the right one.

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