Friday, September 11, 2015

Destination Uluru

Today was a travel day as we had to go 280 miles to reach Uluru National Park. It was another beautiful day with comfortable temperatures and lots of sun. Along the route we traveled through mile after mile of vast open space with no settlements or houses of any kind. This area is cattle country with massive ranches covering thousands of acres. 

These are Deseert Oaks which are up to 600 years old. They don't get very large because it can go several years between sufficient rain fall.

We made a couple of stops along the way. At one we had the chance to ride a camel so of course I volunteered. It was a little bumpy but fun!

We also stopped at this little store/cafe for lunch. One of the regular snacks in Australia is a meat pie. Much like our pot pies but they're made so you can hold them in your hand to eat.

There was another stop so we could take pictures of Mount Conner and climb to the top of a sand dune to see the large salt lake on the other side.

Next, see the post about Uluru Park.

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